Lacrosse Portraits: Women's, Men's
Landscape Lighting Techniques: Disappearing flash, Mixing with ambient, Stick your flash somewhere unusual, One-light night landscapes
Large Interior, lit w/speedlights
Lawrence, Joey: Tutorial review
Legos: Strobist enshrined in
Leibovitz, Annie: Book: At Work (review), Profoto BTS video, Sean Connery shoot BTS video, Mad Men BTS video
Lenses: How they are made, How to quick-change a lens
Light painting: animated, also using timed diffusion, Beautiful, animated commercial, Awesome Hennessy campaign BTS vid
Light, Science and Magic -- review 2nd Ed.
Light Sphere: DIY version
Lighting 101 Intro page, w/video
Light stands: L101 intro, LP 604 5-section light stand, Big-ass version
Light Tent for shiny subjects
Lighting 101: Great, explanatory overview video
Lighting 101 PDF's: English, Translation project announced, + Japanese version here, in French, Hebrew and Spanish, in German and Polish, Romanian and Russian,
Lighting Diagrams: Online Creator, iPhone App
Lighting Essentials: Review of
Lighting: Thought process at a bar, A person in a locker, On two planes, 2 planes, Ex. #2
Link to Us! Code for, w/pix
LumiQuest: Possibly too much use of, Fold-flat bare bulb adapter, Soft Box III, FX-Tra, LumiQuest SB-III + ring fill, In use, SB-III Barn boor mod,
Macro: Lighting for, $10 Macro Studio, Using Macro Studio w/ two lights, One light, many sources: Reflectors for table-top shoot, On location, w/P&S
Mad Men: Behind-the-scenes shoot video
McNally, Joe:
Mental gymnastics
Mercedes Gull-wing - amazing, 2-light shot
Monoblocs: Walk-thru, Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Making speedlights act like
Multimedia journalism: MediaStorm
Miller, Steve, E.: Dead artists shoot
Night flash: Amazing firefly shot, Night snowboarding, Night ground-to-air chopper lighting, One-light night landscapes, James Rubio's Night Wedding Portrait, Night Shuttle launch flashed portrait, Night-time outdoor flash, use of/balance, Ex. 2,
Nikon CLS: Vs PocketWizard, Quickie tutorial, Awesome Nikon video, Online video resources
Nikon SB-24: Recommended, Modded for bare bulb,
Nikon SB-600: Synch jack hack
Nikon SB-26, recommended
Nikon SB-800: External resources, Built-in slave how to, As subject matter, Chicken neck mod, More Humane SB-800 rotate mod,
Nikon SB-900: Intro'd, Hands-on review, Big-ass foot on, How to access built-in superslave
Off-photographer camera
On Assignment Full Reference Page
On-Axis Fill: Intro'd, Ring and add'l soft key light, Ring and hard key,
One-Light Shoots:
Open Source Trigger: Debut
Orbis Ring Flash Adapter: Intro'd, Unboxed, Ray Flash comparison, Vs. Ray Flash, head-to-head
Lacrosse Portraits: Women's, Men's
Landscape Lighting Techniques: Disappearing flash, Mixing with ambient, Stick your flash somewhere unusual, One-light night landscapes
Large Interior, lit w/speedlights
Lawrence, Joey: Tutorial review
Legos: Strobist enshrined in
Leibovitz, Annie: Book: At Work (review), Profoto BTS video, Sean Connery shoot BTS video, Mad Men BTS video
Lenses: How they are made, How to quick-change a lens
Light painting: animated, also using timed diffusion, Beautiful, animated commercial, Awesome Hennessy campaign BTS vid
Light, Science and Magic -- review 2nd Ed.
Light Sphere: DIY version
Lighting 101 Intro page, w/video
Light stands: L101 intro, LP 604 5-section light stand, Big-ass version
Light Tent for shiny subjects
Lighting 101: Great, explanatory overview video
Lighting 101 PDF's: English, Translation project announced, + Japanese version here, in French, Hebrew and Spanish, in German and Polish, Romanian and Russian,
Lighting Diagrams: Online Creator, iPhone App
Lighting Essentials: Review of
Lighting: Thought process at a bar, A person in a locker, On two planes, 2 planes, Ex. #2
Link to Us! Code for, w/pix
LumiQuest: Possibly too much use of, Fold-flat bare bulb adapter, Soft Box III, FX-Tra, LumiQuest SB-III + ring fill, In use, SB-III Barn boor mod,
Macro: Lighting for, $10 Macro Studio, Using Macro Studio w/ two lights, One light, many sources: Reflectors for table-top shoot, On location, w/P&S
Mad Men: Behind-the-scenes shoot video
McNally, Joe:
Awesome lighting brochure, Owning you w/one SB-800, Moment it Clicks: Review, Shoots top of Empire State Bldg (video), Desert Shoot, Extended video -- Google Talk, Great Nikon CLS DVD, 'Outtakes' from CLS vid, Hot Shoe Diaries (review), iPhone hijinks
Mental gymnastics
Mercedes Gull-wing - amazing, 2-light shot
Monoblocs: Walk-thru, Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Making speedlights act like
Multimedia journalism: MediaStorm
Miller, Steve, E.: Dead artists shoot
Night flash: Amazing firefly shot, Night snowboarding, Night ground-to-air chopper lighting, One-light night landscapes, James Rubio's Night Wedding Portrait, Night Shuttle launch flashed portrait, Night-time outdoor flash, use of/balance, Ex. 2,
Nikon CLS: Vs PocketWizard, Quickie tutorial, Awesome Nikon video, Online video resources
Nikon SB-24: Recommended, Modded for bare bulb,
Nikon SB-600: Synch jack hack
Nikon SB-26, recommended
Nikon SB-800: External resources, Built-in slave how to, As subject matter, Chicken neck mod, More Humane SB-800 rotate mod,
Nikon SB-900: Intro'd, Hands-on review, Big-ass foot on, How to access built-in superslave
Off-photographer camera
On Assignment Full Reference Page
On-Axis Fill: Intro'd, Ring and add'l soft key light, Ring and hard key,
One-Light Shoots:
Poolside, More sophisticated use of, tutorial, Lighting food, Detail object light, 3-D artwork, Hero Fan, Outdoor, crosslit w/sun, Night landscapes, tungsten at sunset, Real estate photography, Zack Arias' Killer Dubai Group Shot, Water drop photography
Open Source Trigger: Debut
Orbis Ring Flash Adapter: Intro'd, Unboxed, Ray Flash comparison, Vs. Ray Flash, head-to-head
New to Strobist, or lighting? Start here.
Now shipping, in DVD box set or download: Lighting in Layers
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